An Envoy of Healing. Be A Doer is a LifeTeam. Think about both our name and the term that describes us. Let’s break down the language. ‘Be A Doer’ Be Verb Present Tense “to exist” A determiner singular points to something Doer noun...
Birthed by the Word. Last night I spoke to the youth group at Living Waters and one of the things I said was that if someone is going to tell me that this part of the Bible no longer applies to us today I was pretty much going to shake the dust off my feet in a...
How to Overcome Last night was amazing listening to all of your testimonies. What a blessing and honor to be in the House of the Lord with our brothers & sisters! I have received my eyesight. What does that mean? When I read the old testament now, I see...
Why Me, Lord? When we think of the following commands from the Lord: Go. Heal the sick. Cast out demons. Raise the dead. Make disciples. We sometimes don’t think about those who are called to the people. Let’s ponder on Moses for a minute. ...
Who’s Doing the Doing Here? We are commanded to be strong and courageous! We are commanded not to fear or panic. Does this picture look a little blurry here? Well, you see I had to blur the things of this world so that the Word could be seen (John 3:30). ...
An Instrument of Righteousness We’ve all heard the term ‘weekend warrior’. Right? What does that mean? In today’s society we usually take it to mean that we really like some particular thing like a certain sport or hobby and that we dedicate...