This is a popular verse and many take it to mean that if they are feeling discouraged they can count on God to make them feel better.  While there may be some truth to this thought process, if we really ponder on this, we can see that we were called to … 




Heal the sick.

Cast out demons.

Raise the dead.

Make disciples.


So if we think of this verse in this light, and we should because think of the time it was stated.  It was stated in a time of physical conflict and oppression.  They needed God physically to strengthen them and hold them up victoriously because, in reality, no matter how strong God made the Israelites in that time period, they would be unable to conquer their enemy.  Think about the Word in bold above.  We as well, as children of the Most High God, are unable to complete the task God has given us.  Jesus Himself even said “With man it is impossible”.  Let me ask you a question – can you heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons?  NO!

Thankfully Jesus also said “But with God all things are possible”.  Praise God!  So, Let’s re-examine this verse in what our Great Commission is and let’s see if we have a different understanding.  If you are afraid of speaking to people or if your are not afraid of witnessing to strangers, we should all be somewhat trembling (in our flesh) that we have been called to do the miraculous.  Now I think that those who are a bit afraid or anxious may even have the advantage over us who are more confident.  It should be easier for them to be humble and allow God to use them while for us it may be more difficult for us to humble ourselves so that God can use us.




What is grace?

Grace is “the supernatural enabling to do God’s will”.


So, while the Israelites had a real, physical enemy.  We are called to fight a different enemy, a more sinister enemy who has been around for a long, long time.  So, while this can be discouraging, remember the promise that the God of gods, the King of kings and the Lord of lords will not only strengthen us but will hold us up with His victorious hand, even His strong hand!

