As a LifeTeam, we are commissioned to be outward focused and not inward focused.  This is a great thing because being outward focused, like Jesus, empowers us to do the same things Jesus did.  However, remembering the SWAT (Spiritual Warfare Apostolic Training), I remember the enemy will attack quickly and in the same way he has many times before on this earth and that is with man’s #1 sin – PRIDE!  Colossians 3:13 says that we must make allowances for each other’s faults.  This is sometimes hard to do, but listen, we don’t have a choice!  If we are to be soldiers of Christ that have been commissioned to go out and build the Kingdom, we cannot be divided!  Remember that a Kingdom divided will soon fall, but it won’t grow for sure!  I have learned the lesson recently that we must quickly address any issues that arise so that this root of bitterness cannot grow.  Rather than allowing the enemy to use Miracle Grow on this root of bitterness, let us gather up some FIRE and burn it!  Only the Holy Spirit and His fruit can burn this root up so let us pray today that He give us His fruit so we can …


Heal the sick.

Cast out demons.

Raise the dead.

Make disciples.