You Are Chosen!


There are those who think they are humble and say things like “I’m just happy to be saved.  I’d be happy just scrubbing the floors of heaven.”  While this might seem like a humble statement, it is not Biblical.  Do you remember this Daily Word?  What did it say?  We have all been called by the Master and given gifts that we are to invest in order to get Jesus a return on his investment.  Right?  And what happened to the 3rd servant, who was only given one gift to invest?  He was condemned by his own words and stripped of everything he’d been given.

So, then, we were chosen to 



Heal the sick.

Cast out demons.

Raise the dead.

Make disciples.

There is really just no way around this.  If we are born again, saved, & a chosen child of God, we are also called.  There are so many Scriptures that tell us this.  When we read passages like the one in the picture, we often think of this as a simple opening statement to the letter.  But why would Paul waste paper and ink on something unimportant Look at this Scripture.  It’s pretty clear that whatever Paul did, we should be doing as well!  Think about that for moment.  Think about when Paul 

And what did Paul say about all this?  He said that it Christ working in him and that he fully preached the gospel and they were convinced by the signs that accompanied him. He also said that his ambition was to preach where the Good News had not been heard before (streets) rather than in a church already established.  (Romans 15:18-20)

You know, we know that when we are called to do something for Christ, He has already given us what we need to accomplish that task.  So let this Daily Word strengthen your faith today and Go!


PS – In light of what I’m sharing, we need to realized that these promises ARE to us and for us!  These are not just commands and promises to the men of old.  As we go through this Daily Word together, lets remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:31 (“have you not read what was spoken to you by God”) and echoed in Hebrews 12;5 (“the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children”) and then again in 2 Peter 1:5 (“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises”).