Clarification on Thinking

Later that evening (after our lunch date with our daughter) I had to clarify to her to that she is allowed to think, but she is also supposed to follow instructions as given.  So, if there is a question, such as if she had asked “Dad, are you going to have to wait for a table? I’d like to stop for coffee on the way.” Then I could have told her that we already had a table reserved and so she needed to just head that way and not stop.  There are other times when she should think.  For example, if no specific instruction is given, she should think about the best course of action for the particular situation.

As I later clarified with her, I also need to clarify with you.  I said that yesterday’s post was not in relation to head coverings, but I sure did mention it a lot.  Right?  That would lead you to believe my main point was the head covering.  Now what I said is true, that it is for today, no matter how many people are against it, the reason I gave that example is to show how easy it is to get sidetracked with what the Scripture actually says.  Because over 99.99% of modern day Christians do not practice this simple instruction, it is a great example to use since it shows how easy it is to ignore parts of Scripture we don’t like. 

Now, why did I get into ignoring certain parts of Scripture yesterday?  Well, it’s because we are told to 


Heal the sick.

Cast out demons.

Raise the dead.

Make disciples.


and there are many so called Christians who think this is not for today.  Many think that God has made them sick to: teach them something, slow them down, keep them humble or punish them.  Many think we don’t need to cast out demons today because “we now know” that the people showing the same signs as in Jesus’ day are simply ‘mentally ill’ and there’s medication for that.  When it comes to making disciples, well, they’ve changed this in their minds to ‘make converts’ and then expect the pastors to do it, all we need to do is invite the unsaved person to church and let those we pay (tithe) do the work.  

All of these positions are wrong.  Ephesians 4 tells us the 5-fold ministry is to equip the saints so that we may do the work of the church!  But errors like this are compounding.  It is the doctrine of demons.

What happens next?


After we begin disregarding some Scripture from our minds (soul) it begins to penetrate into our Spirit.  See this article where I talk more about this. Over time, our spirit begins to dominate our soul rather than the Holy Spirit and we begin to think up strange ideas about God. It only gets worse from here.  After we disregard a Scripture we have begun to renew our mind but not in the way of the Spirit but rather in the way of the flesh.  All sorts of evil results from this sort of renewal.  The Church becomes divided.  We know that a Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  The enemy begins to gain ground.  We also know that where there’s envy and strife, there’s every evil thing!

In conclusion, we need to guard ourselves against deception, even from inside the church!  Today we have people calling evil good, and good evil

So we need to test everything and hold onto what is good



PS – In light of what I’m sharing, we need to realized that these promises ARE to us and for us!  These are not just commands and promises to the men of old.  As we go through this Daily Word together, lets remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:31 (“have you not read what was spoken to you by God”) and echoed in Hebrews 12;5 (“the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children”) and then again in 2 Peter 1:5 (“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises”).