Does Everyone Believe In God?

Some will say they don’t believe in God.  Are they telling the truth?  What does Romans 3:4 say?  You know, I think we have been taught a lot of things that benefit religious organizations and might not be the whole truth!  Is it because (click here for the rest of the sentence)?  See, Romans 10:15 says some things that may sound like it means something else.  While I completely agree with the fact that we should 


Heal the sick.

Cast out demons.

Raise the dead.

Make disciples.


there is something that we should discuss and that is the fact that God cannot be limited.  Let’s not put God in a box and let’s believe what the Word saysHere’s an example.  

Ok, so Phillip was sent.  But! This was a supernatural sending.  This sending would not have occured if the ethiopian had not been seeking.  The simple fact that he was seeking proves that all men know there is a God.  They may not know the gospel, so we are sent to tell them the gospel they’ve been looking for.  Listen.  Listen very carefully, we are told Luke 9:10, but we need to remember what is said in Romans 1 in the picture above and we need to remember the Words of Jesus

So we Go.  We Preach.  But we are looking for those who are looking.  When we come across the one who is looking, the results will be the same as Phillips above.  When we come across one whose heart has already been hardened, we shake off the dust and move on.  We can’t win them all but we can win some

But don’t give up so easy!  Those who say they don’t believe are lying!  You may tell them that.  This takes boldness (see here, too).

Be Bold.

Don’t let people lie to you without calling them out.  Speak the Truth.



PS – In light of what I’m sharing, we need to realized that these promises ARE to us and for us!  These are not just commands and promises to the men of old.  As we go through this Daily Word together, lets remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:31 (“have you not read what was spoken to you by God”) and echoed in Hebrews 12;5 (“the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children”) and then again in 2 Peter 1:5 (“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises”).